Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Super Bowl

This past week was the event known as the Super Bowl. While I have grown up an avid fan of the game, for some reason, my interest has been waning. For example, this past weekend I knew the game was on, my roommates and I had good food prepared, and flat screen to ready to go. Normally this would be a young mans main desire, I was not interested.

To further prove my dis-interest here is what's more thrilling now:
- Anatomy and Physiology homework
- Cleaning my room
- Going to the gym
- Working out with my Biggest Winner Group (I am the Trainer for a weight loss group on campus)
- Blogging (clearly)
- Listening to music
- Walking around

Is this what "mature" people do? Or am I just kinda weird?

1 comment:

  1. Your just weird. I even watched the entire game... beginning to end.
