Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Peacock Walk

This beautiful bird is known as the white peacock. Truly a sight to behold. If we could all take a moment and try to imagine the thought process of a peacock. Surely the bird must feel some degree of superiority. And I am sure that the smug bird would also have a strut to accompany the pomp and circumstance of the feather spread that attaches to its behind. I would also wager that the bird would have to think, since my butt looks this good, imagine how my face looks...

But enough of the bird and on to me. Last week, I decided to ask a girl out on a date. She and I have a friend in common, therefore I saw her more often and decided a date was in order. It being finals week, a quick dinner and dessert was chosen for the outing, and we went out. While on the date, the girl remarked that I slouch as I drive and sometimes when I walk around. I responded that I have rather broad shoulders and that I do not want to appear to have a "Peacock Walk". I want to avoid the cocky walk to appear nicer and more friendly.

She said to forget that and to be proud of having sexy man shoulders. I said ok, and have been trying to walk straight up since then. However, since that time, I've been to work and dealt with the unexpected ramifications of the strut.

Not two days after the date, I went to work. With the advice still on my mind, I walked bold and upright. As I walked into one of the residents rooms, the elderly lady perked up. "Oh my, you are very tall. I like your curly hair", taken slightly aback and laughing to myself about the strange coupling of height and hair, I thanked the lady and helped her to get ready for the day. As we were ready to leave for breakfast, I realized I needed to put on the foot pedals to her wheel chair. As I was bent over attaching the stirrups, several things happened quickly. Another non-descript complement came out and a very age experienced hand was placed on my back, ran down it, and then settled on my bottom. A firm grab was then followed by a laugh from her and a red face from me.

I was once again resolved to not adopt the peacock walk into my daily life. Or rather, I will just have to save the walk for the times I am around young ladies rather than the oldies who have hands that know no bounds.

But I really cant complain... other than that isolated incident, its just another day in paradise here in East Idaho.


  1. got an octogenerian girlfriend now huh? your post made me laugh OUT loud! Seriously?! You got groped by an old lady. wow. that's all I can say. Wow-wee! Well, good luck with that.

  2. Score one for the old ladies, zero for the peacock. This is too funny. If you keep a collection of these tales, you will have enough for a memoir soon, and I'd wager a best seller to boot. We love you, son.

    Los Simpson del norte

  3. dear pansy pants,

    despite your diligent efforts with the ladies, you seem to be chosen by the homeless/elderly; like that wonderful woman from the soup kitchen.


  4. maybe the corrected posture emphasized your humps... ;-) nice blog. you funny.
