Saturday, January 10, 2009


Holy cow, 

they said that BYU-I was different. I thought they were just saying that. But I here to tell you, BYU-I is a bonafide university. My first week was like a defibrillator. Man what a shock. I thought I could handle anything. Well, to give you an idea, my first assignment in my writing class is to write 25 pages to accompany 25 pictures that describe who you are. Each page is to be single spaced and 12 font. Another assignment that I got from my Comm 150 class is to make a collage about who you are. I am just so impressed with how much the Profs expect from their students. I am very exited for this semester. I am glad that I got into the University when I did, and that I have much different study habits now than I did before, because I probably would have sunk. 

Aside from that, I love my ward, and my roomates are good. Kind or crazy, but good. And I also have more good news! I have a date tonite. And yes Dad, it is with a girl. I will keep you posted on how that goes.

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