Thursday, February 19, 2009


well, here is my attempt at adding pictures. i did ok for the first time. The picture on the right is me right after my hair cut. The one on the left is one of me face down in the snow. I am in a writing group and we need a picture for an inspirational poster. My Professor is a guy who likes us to be creative, so we made a mock inspirational poster. the caption on the bottom of the poster was

Sometimes your best just isn't good enough...

We thought it was funny, plus it filled all the requirements that he gave us. So we were proud. Plus, i was proud to show off my firm looking bottom...hahaha

oh and i thought i should tell you, i have two dates this weekend.


its been a while i know, but here us a new post. I just went to slc this weekend, and i got to see a few old mission companions, drue and ashley, and also some friends from concord. It was really nice to see Devin Belliston. He was my companion when i went to londonderry ward. i had been a missionary for about one year. It was my third area, and i credit him for changing the course of my missionary efforts. He taught me how to be a better missionary, better leader, friend, etc. He really is a great man, and one of my favorite friends. We got to catch up and he was telling me about his girlfriend. He thinks he will be getting more serious with her. I told him i was happy for him, and we will see how that goes.

i also got to see chris tollstrup. he was another missionary that shaped me early on and helped me become a better man. he is now married and so got to visit and catch up with he and his wife.

The trip was very fun, but i am also glad to be home. to me, camping is anytime you do not sleep in your own bed. so i just had a good camping trip. ha ha ha. i think i am going to need to figure out how to put pictures on my blog. i'll work on it.